Hackett eBook Editions

Most Hackett Publishing and Focus imprint titles are available for sale as eBook editions from one or more of the eBook vendors listed below. Titles that are available in eBook format will have an eBook list price noted on their Hackett website title page. Starting in winter/spring 2022, many Hackett website title pages will also include links to Hackett title pages on eBook vendor sites, such as Amazon (Kindle), the GooglePlay store, eBooks.com, and others, to make finding Hackett eBooks for sale at your preferred eBook vendor easier. In addition to the eBook vendors listed below, Hackett eBooks can also be purchased from many Follett and Barnes & Noble college bookstore websites. If you have any questions about, or problems finding/purchasing, any Hackett eBooks, please email our marketing team.


File Formats & DRM:

Hackett eBooks are available in fixed-layout (PDF) and flowing-text (ePub) file formats. Fixed-layout eBooks mirror the print book in layout and pagination. Flowing-text eBooks adjust the text display to accommodate different screen sizes and eReader software settings and do not preserve the pagination of the print edition. However, many flowing-text Hackett eBooks include embedded print book page numbers within the eBook text. For questions about print book page numbers in Hackett's flowing-text eBooks, please email our marketing team. All Hackett titles with eBook editions are available in a fixed-layout format and most are also available in a flowing-text format. Available file formats vary at each vendor, please see the notes below for information about file formats sold at each vendor. All eBook vendors apply DRM to the eBook files which restrict the purchased eBook to use with vendor-compatible software and devices. Please visit the eBook vendor websites for more information about each vendor's eReader software options and compatible devices.


Course Instructors:

Free eBook desk and examination copies are available for most titles, please visit the eBook desk and examination copy page for more information and to request access.



For libraries wishing to purchase Hackett eBooks, please contact Ebook Central, EBSCOhost, or OverDrive, for a complete list of Hackett eBooks and library purchasing options.



For individuals wishing to purchase Hackett eBooks, Hackett eBooks are available for sale at the following eBook vendors:

Ebook vendorEbook File Type & Vendor Information
Amazon Kindle Logo Amazon Kindle eBooks are flowing-text (ePub/Mobi) eBooks.* Visit the Amazon Kindle store to learn more about Kindle eBooks and browse Hackett titles.

* The Kindle eBook editions of Familia Romana and Roma Aeterna in the Lingua Latina per se Illustrata series are fixed-layout eBooks.
GooglePlay The GooglePlay store offers both fixed-layout (PDF) and flowing-text (ePub) files in a single purchase whenever both file formats are available for a Hackett title. Readers can select their preferred eBook format by adjusting the display settings (flowing-text or original pages (fixed-layout PDF)) in the Google eReader software and can preview the eBook before purchasing to see if both eBook file types are available for a title. Visit the GooglePlay Books page to learn more and search for Hackett titles.

EBooks.com carries both fixed-layout (PDF) and flowing-text (ePub) files whenever both file formats are available for a Hackett title. Customers can select their preferred format when downloading purchased eBooks for use with compatible software and devices, including the Ebook Reader App for Android and iOS, and Adobe Digital Editions for the PC and Mac. Each book title page on the eBooks.com store provides a list of available file formats for the title and eReader software options.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble sells flowing-text (ePub) Nook eBooks. Learn more and search for Hackett titles on the Barnes & Noble eBookstore.

RedShelf logo

RedShelf sells mostly fixed-layout (PDF) Hackett eBooks along with some flowing-text (ePub) titles. The browser-based RedShelf eReader works with any device that supports a modern web browser and offers many student-friendly features like note-taking, highlighting, bookmarks, and more. All Hackett RedShelf eBooks allow up to 40% of the text to be copied/pasted and/or printed, and 100% of the text can be read both online and offline through the RedShelf eReader software. Visit the RedShelf eBookstore to learn more and search for Hackett titles.

Course Instructors: Free RedShelf eBook desk and examination copies of Hackett titles are available to qualified instructors. Learn more and request Hackett eBook exam/desk copies here.


VitalSource sells both fixed-layout (PDF) and flowing-text (ePub) Hackett eBooks. Many search results for Hackett titles on the VitalSource eBookstore will yield multiple product listings for Hackett titles, one for the fixed-layout eBook and one for the flowing-text eBook. Title listings that show 'format: fixed' are the fixed-layout (PDF) eBooks and 'format: flowing' are the flowing-text (ePub) eBooks. The browser-based VitalSource eReader works with any device that supports a modern web browser and offers many student-friendly features like note-taking, highlighting, bookmarks, and more.

Course Instructors: VitalSource offers free Hackett eBook access to qualified instructors through their faculty sampling service, learn more here.

Chegg The Chegg online store sells Hackett eTextbooks for use with Chegg eReader apps and software.
Persuall Persuall offers a social eReader for students and instructors. Learn more about Persuall and Hackett eBooks available through the Persuall platform here.
Unizin Shelfit is an eBookstore and eReader platform that carries Hackett Publishing eBooks and specializes in selling and distributing eBooks to K-12 schools. Learn more about Shelfit here.
Unizin Hackett Publishing eBooks are available to Unizin consortium members, learn more here.