Color for Philosophers

“Much the best philosophically orientated book about colour that has been written. . . . It has none of the philosophical crudity which mars scientific accounts of colour, and none of the scientific ignorance which makes so many philosophical accounts of colour worthless or worse. . . . Time and again I found myself unexpectedly convinced at a point whose opposite I had believed. I have in mind particularly the later sections on ‘Other colours, other minds’, language foci, and ‘boundaries and indeterminacy’. It is annoying, but also exhilarating, to be relieved of some stubborn and treasured opinions.”
     —Jonathan Westphal, Mind


Unweaving the Rainbow

C. L. Hardin
Foreward by Arthur Danto

1988 - 268 pp.

Grouped product items
Format ISBN Price Qty
Cloth 978-0-87220-040-1
Paper 978-0-87220-039-5

Features six color plates and 40 diagrams.

Awarded the 1986 Johnsonian Prize in Philosophy. Published with the aid of a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

This expanded edition of C. L. Hardin’s ground-breaking work on color features a new chapter, “Further Thoughts: 1993,” in which the author revisits the dispute between color objectivists and subjectivists from the perspective of the ecology, genetics, and evolution of color vision, and brings to bear new data on individual variability in color perception.



“Much the best philosophically orientated book about colour that has been written. . . . It has none of the philosophical crudity which mars scientific accounts of colour, and none of the scientific ignorance which makes so many philosophical accounts of colour worthless or worse. . . . Time and again I found myself unexpectedly convinced at a point whose opposite I had believed. I have in mind particularly the later sections on ‘Other colours, other minds’, language foci, and ‘boundaries and indeterminacy’. It is annoying, but also exhilarating, to be relieved of some stubborn and treasured opinions.”
     —Jonathan Westphal, Mind